Does AvoFresco change the taste of food?
Does AvoFresco change the taste of food?
What is AvoFresco?
AVOFRESCO is a white powder, composed of all natural elements, which stops the oxidation process so that fresh-cut produce and some seafood can last longer at home and on the shelf! AvoFresco is FDA approved, GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and Kosher certified. AVOFRESCO does NOT contain sulfites nor other harmful substances and is absolutely safe for you to consume. AVOFRESCO keeps the natural texture and color of fresh-cut produce and some seafood, for up to 15 days, without altering the flavor.
What is AvoFresco?
AVOFRESCO is a white powder, composed of all natural elements, which stops the oxidation process so that fresh-cut produce and some seafood can last longer at home and on the shelf! AvoFresco is FDA approved, GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and Kosher certified. AVOFRESCO does NOT contain sulfites nor other harmful substances and is absolutely safe for you to consume. AVOFRESCO keeps the natural texture and color of fresh-cut produce and some seafood, for up to 15 days, without altering the flavor.
What can AvoFresco be used on?
Avocado / Apple / Pear / Peach / Banana / Strawberry
Kiwi / Mango / Mamey / Raspberry / Fig / Jicama
Lettuce / Mushroom / Potato / Carrot / Cucumber
Eggplant / Radish / Coriander / Chard / Spinach
Broccoli / Cauliflower / Cabbage / Nopal (Cactus)
Shrimp / Crab and more!
What can AvoFresco be used on?
Avocado / Apple / Pear / Peach / Banana / Strawberry
Kiwi / Mango / Mamey / Raspberry / Fig / Jicama
Lettuce / Mushroom / Potato / Carrot / Cucumber
Eggplant / Radish / Coriander / Chard / Spinach
Broccoli / Cauliflower / Cabbage / Nopal (Cactus)
Shrimp / Crab and more!


Crear una pronta solución a nuestros clientes para el uso de alimentos frescos.
Mediante la innovación, brindándoles la mejor calidad, respuesta, cooperación, ética profesional y fomentando el conocimiento compartido.
AVOFRESCO fue creado por Grupo Nodacer en Monterrey, México.
La combinación de fosfatos aprobada por la FDA
e ingredientes GRAS, crea un antioxidante que previene a las frutas, vegetales y aguacate de oxidarse.
Consolidarnos como una empresa líder en aditivos de la industrial alimentaria a través de la:
- Confianza - Innovación -Adaptación
para lograr la total satisfacción de nuestros clientes.